Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 01/23/2024

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, protect, and disclose your personal information in our app. By using the App, you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use the App.

Information Collection

We collect information about your mobile device, TV devices, network information and information about crashes and errors when the app encounters issues, as well as information about your behavior when using the App, to help us optimize the product and enhance the user experience. No personally identifiable information is collected during this process. Analytics are subject to the Privacy Policy of Google Firebase.

Information Use

We use the information we collect to optimize the performance and functionality of the App, providing a better user experience, diagnosing and resolving technical issues with the App, and performing statistical analysis to understand user engagement with various features of the App.

The information you send when you use the feedback function is only used for the purposes of identifying and correcting the problem you reported. The information is not used in any other way, profiling or otherwise; and it is not used for advertising purposes. That includes your email address, which will only be used to communicate with you regarding the problem you reported and will not be used for any other purpose.

Information Sharing

We may share your information under the following circumstances:

  1. As required by Law. We may disclose any of your information we deem necessary, in our sole discretion, to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.
  2. To Prevent Harm or Loss: We may disclose your information when we believe, in our sole discretion, disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with suspected or actual illegal activity.

How We Store Your Information

We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect your information that we collect about you against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. While we cannot guarantee that no accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use of your information will occur, we try to prevent such occurrences.

Updates to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically and without prior notice to you to reflect changes in our information processing practices or for any other purpose. We will indicate at the top of the Privacy Policy when it was most recently updated.